The two Biggest Hollywood Cases Supported by the #MeToo Movement

The two Biggest Hollywood Cases Supported by the #MeToo Movement

Since Tarana Burke Afro-American activist for civil rights created the Me too movement in 2006 the feminist wave around the world has been relentless.

The plan for the Me Too movement at that time in 2006 was evited that one of each four young girls and one of each four boys were abused each year and with that avoided the wounds of sexual harassment. Tarana Burke found Me Too to support young women from vulnerable communities that suffer sexual assault the feminist wave around the world has been relentless

After allegations against Harvey Weinstein in 2007, the movement increased and become bigger and bigger until spread virally as a hashtag on social media. This was the first biggest case than supported Me Too and was the first step to uncovering the Hollywood ring of abusers.

  1. Harvey Weinstein

Between 15th October 2017 to 30th of September 2018 #MeToo Hashtag hit its highest peak when Alyssa Milano famous actress known for films such as ‘Charmed’, published a tweet that ask for women to would have been sexually harassed or comment with the hashtag. Also, Milano revealed that she had been raped by a Hollywood executive

On October 5 of the same year, The New York Times bring to light an article titled “Harvey Weinstein Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accusers for Decades”. The two-woman journalist  Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey revelated how Weinstein across his companies had exercised abused employers and actresses such as Angelina Jolie and Kate Paltrow who had 22 years old at that time.  His modus operandi released how sexism permeates Hollywood since Weinstein use his power in the Hollywood industry to invite this actress to the hotel and ask for a message to assault them sexually.

  1. Epstein and Maxwell

In the 80s  Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell met each other and never separated. Epstein has a pyramidal structure that offered prostitution services frequently when young women are underage. Maxwell recently was sentenced to 20 years in prison because of the sex-trafficking ring.

Maxwell was in charge of getting young women with the promise of the luxury moment and a huge amount of money for an hour of massage. she took the girls mostly under eighteen and mostly fourteen to sixteen to him for a massage. He semi-naked received them and there he abused them.

This did not end, when a woman arrived on his island, Epstein and Maxwell asked the young woman to bring more friends in exchange for money and support in her career. Ang when they refused, he threaten to close all career doors. Names like Clinton, Trump, and the biggest fishes in the artist industry were close friends of Epstein, and on his island and properties were scenarios were bringing young girls to parties for sexual services.

Epstein stated guilty in 2008 of prostitution charges, and sexual trafficking, and in 2019 committed suicide.

Four Young women testified during the trial. A lot of them affirmed have been abused by Epstein before eighteen age and they confirmed that Maxwell had facilitated his sexual encounter.

Carolyn, said that Maxwell and Epstein paid her for sex between 2001 y 2004 when she was just fourteen

This case would have been forgotten more than everyone else, but thanks to the Me Too Movement this case is still active, and all media eye.

#MeToo encouraged all society to denounce these cases but also support all victims to speak. Me Too has been fundamental for inspiring women and the feminist movement around the world and bringing victims some confidence to listen.


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