Art Exhibition Blocked Emotions & Breast Cancer

Art Exhibition Blocked Emotions & Breast Cancer

Did you know that there is a possible connection between an emotional cause and the somatization of breast cancer?

Did you know that there is a possible connection between an emotional cause and the somatization of breast cancer? It is likely that we will find answers or raise more concerns through the exhibition of art pieces that the Artist and Coach in Mental Health, Milena Montealegre McMichen, performs until October 24, on the occasion of the Pink month of BREAST CANCER prevention; exhibition sponsored by Centro Andino, commercial center, located in the city of Bogotá, Colombia.

The exhibited pieces present the artistic representation of the torso of 15 women with this diagnosis through their testimony. Its objective is to generate reflection in each viewer about the state of their mental health today and now and their quality of life.

Statistics from 2015 to 2020 in Colombia showed an increase of 52% in the proportion of new cases reported, where 90% were in prevalence and 63% were fatal. Between January 2019 and January 2020, there were 7,047 new reported cases of breast cancer, a total of 74,863 cases in prevalence, and 3,056 women who died. From January 2020 to April 30, 2021, Health Benefits Plan Administering Entities (EAPB), announced that 86,723 prevalent cases of breast cancer have been reported. It means that in the year of the pandemic it increased by 66%. By 2030, we will have an increase of 34%, which means that we will have 66,000 new victims, where 67% of those diagnoses will be advanced cases and 30% metastatic diagnoses.

According to the Artist: “The pandemic increased stress and depressive symptoms and with it domestic violence, divorces, economic crisis, loss of motivation for life, promoting autopilot and disconnection with emotions, normalizing gender violence, self-sabotage and fear. Leading to somatize those unmanaged emotions in a complex diagnosis by not listening to our body“.

It is time to stop and reflect because one of those women can be you, your partner, your mother, your daughter, a friend, or a co-worker. It is time to join forces, together we can save ourselves and save a life!!”

The Artist Montealegre project began in February of this year with talks on IGTV with experts from different countries aimed at women with breast cancer and their partners as caregivers, generating spaces free of machismo. The second phase was the investigation and interaction with the women whom I cast and later the production of the artistic object creating an appropriation of her life testimony. The third phase takes place in September, conducting an interview with each of the 15 Women so that the public throughout the Exhibition can identify those who were behind the artistic object since cancer does not differentiate age, race, social status, and less religious creed. Finishing, on October 24 the tribute that the Artist and Coach Montealegre will pay to each of the Women, giving them her work, honoring her self-love, and fighting for her life. The Artist Milena Montealegre is a Colombian-British, Master of Fine Arts, with deepening studies in art therapy. She is a Master Coach certified with the methodology of Harvard University and ICF-ACSTH, a Holistic Therapist, a Master in Equity and Prevention of Gender Violence, and a Master in Neuropsychology and Cognitive Impairment.

She is a student and researcher of New Germanic Medicine and Biodecoding, the author of the book Me Escuché y Sané. She is an educator and Manager of Feminine Cultural Projects. Throughout her career, she has supported thousands of women with the somatization of emotions in diseases derived from different gender violence. Her artistic exhibitions are campaigns aimed at the prevention of women’s health, against gender violence. Next, her Art Exhibitions: The second series Mi Cuerpo, Mi obra. Cáncer, una oportunidad de Creación. Colombia, 2019. Activism space was disseminated in the Congress of the Republic of Colombia, supporting the establishment of the Breast Cancer Law, with 3 funeral wreaths made with counterfeit bills connoting the precarious health service in the country. Un Espacio de Libertad. Colombia, 2019. Series of 30 plastic works, generating spaces free of machismo, giving a message to the social sexual man who is the only transmitter of HPV, which causes cervical cancer. Mi Cuerpo, Mi obra. Cáncer una oportunidad de Creación. Colombia, 2018. Series of 25 plastic works against breast cancer, its somatization, diagnosis, grieving process, and evolution of its learning Mujer en Espiral, Cree en ti y crea tu realidad.. Colombia, 2017. Series of 28 plastic works. It reflects the archetypes of the Greek Goddesses with the archetypes that women go through in the feminine cycle. Manos que Curan. Colombia 2016. The Series of 53 plastic works, talks about the importance of recognizing the function of the hands since with them we can caress, heal, or hit and mistreat.

The Woman Post invites you to attend and learn about this interesting exhibition about a topic of interest to everyone. Contact: Milena Montealegre McMichen Plastic Artist and Master Health Coach IG: @milenamontealegre_coach Web Page:

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