Sandra Patricia Hernández, the First Hanshi Woman in the World

Sandra Patricia Hernández, the First Hanshi Woman in the World

A practitioner of martial arts for forty years, Sandra Patricia, currently holds the title of 9 Dann, the highest title obtained by a woman in Colombia and Latin America

Sandra Patricia will obtain the title of HANSHI on December 5. Shorin Ryu Karate has been the discipline that finally attracted Sandra Patricia since she began her path through martial arts, studying in some seasons other modalities of this ancient art that attracts children and adults in all corners of the planet for its solemnity, traditions, and striking practice.

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She manifests for this interview for The Woman Post, that the fundamental pillars are, namely:

• The concept of practicing karate for conciliation purposes, defense in some cases, but whose main purpose is not to fight or attack the opponent.

• The wonderful opportunity to make friends, to have companions with whom you practice in absolute and permanent camaraderie.

• The discipline through which the importance of honoring the other is internalized, knowing that one is always in constant learning and that in each encounter there is something new in each person to complement one's training.

In addition to his achievements in Shorin Ryu karate, she created a school ten years ago, called Fenlong Shorin Ryu, a name that merges Chinese and Japanese names and meanings, which means "Little Pine Forest", which she instills this sport as a culture of life and receives boys and girls from an early age, convinced of the thousand benefits that karate implies for the integral formation of all people.

Through all these years, Kioshi Sandra Patricia has obtained national and international titles, championships, medals, cups, mentions, and recognition everywhere. On this occasion, in addition to the satisfaction and pride of wearing the 9th Dann, guided by her sensei Carlos Urrego, on December 5 she will receive from her international master, the Hanshi James Stargel, in a special ceremony, the title as the first female Hanshi worldwide, which fills her with pride, joy, and satisfaction. (The meaning of Hanshi is "Teacher who can serve as an ideal for others.")

This wonderful and warm woman is an example of life, resilience, discipline, and humility. She has overcome obstacles that have arisen since she was little due to her interest in this type of sport, which is still considered a male choice, whose essence and oriental meaning are considered distant and sometimes opposed to Latino culture, also she has overcome a diagnosis of cancer that was initially devastating, of course, also suffered a serious car accident. With her inexhaustible desire to live to the fullest and with an overwhelming personality, she decided to face these situations and not let herself be defeated despite allopathic medical concepts.

This is how she has additionally ventured into traditional Chinese medicine methods and has given conferences in important companies, generating in the attendees the intrinsic desire to go ahead with their dreams, generating internal processes of discipline and conviction that will lead them to improvement and growth. staff.

Finally, This woman, who will be the first Hanshi at a universal level, leaves a message of great value and deep reflection for parents, educators, and trainers:

• Let's listen with our hearts. Let's instill foundations and values ​​for life.

• We understand that martial arts practice is for everyone, regardless of their age, beliefs, and social, economic, ideological, and cultural conditions.

• Practice the permanent attitude of smiling, always, in the face of any situation, and offer love at all hours of the day. Without a doubt, they will surround themselves with well-being and integral harmony.

We all have a mission that we came to fulfill in this life. Let's identify that mission and assume it as a habit and custom, focusing all our actions on that higher purpose.

Thanks to her for accepting this interview for The Woman Post. We wish her much more satisfaction and our admiration for her incredible career.

For more information in Bogotá, Colombia about the Shorin Ryu Karate School, you can write to or contact by phone at +57 310 2336611

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