Taylor Swift and Shakira: the wave of rumors about their love life

Taylor Swift and Shakira: the wave of rumors about their love life

Why do we want so bad a boyfriend for our favorite celebrities? This is the story of Taylor Swift and Shakira since they were single

Why are we so hard at dating our favorite celebrities? This is the story of Taylor Swift and Shakira since they were single.

In recent weeks, social networks, and especially Twitter, have been filled with rumors about the new relationships between two of today's most influential and important celebrities : Taylor Swift and Shakira. It is not surprising when we consider who we are talking about. Swift is known for being low-key about her relationships, but open about her breakups. Proof of this is his musical work, which is inspired by his experiences of heartbreak. On the other hand, Shakira is also recognized for singing to heartbreak. After his separation from the media with Gérard Piqué, he gave his musical career a new start.

The love life of Taylor Swift and Shakira in trend

Rumors about Swift pointed out that she would be dating Matty Healy, lead singer of The 1975. This report was initially given by The Sun, a British tabloid newspaper, which on its May 3 front page claimed that the singer was with "another British ”, referring to his ex-partner Joe Alwyn. The news became a trend and then became a meme . In these you can read "The Sun reports that Taylor Swift is dating …" and then add the name of any person or character of interest that generates laughter.

On the other hand, after her move to Miami, hundreds of tabloids claim that Shakira is dating actor Tom Cruise or F1 driver Lewis Hamilton . This, because the singer appeared with the first at the Miami Grand Prix in the company of her children, Milan and Sasha Piqué. Also, he was seen in a boat with Hamilton. However, his music producer, Emilio Estefan, denied these rumors.

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Why are we interested in seeing celebrities with partners?

No doubt these rumors arise to feed the fans of celebrities who are interested in the romantic lives of their favorite celebrities. But it's worth asking what's behind this, why we seem so interested in the lives of celebrities, and why the media and ourselves look so hard for celebrities, especially women, for partners.

For Jamie Tehrani, social anthropologist, the interest we show to celebrities responds to our hypersocial nature that allows us to form ourselves and generate ideas from copying others, also called adaptive behavior. In this sense, we are similar to our parents because they are the main referent during a large part of our development . By paying attention to the habits and behaviors of others, it makes sense that celebrities would become so interesting to us. Their popularity captivates us and we look up to them because, in our eyes, they are success stories.

For this reason, marketing and advertising look for celebrities to promote the products. The value of the brand increases by the value of the fame that a celebrity provides , its influence goes beyond knowledge or authority and is established as the most important by the social status and prestige that it implies.

The above may answer why we are so interested in celebrities, but why does there seem to be a special interest in the love lives of female celebrities? This in particular responds to a characteristic of the macho culture, which places the value of a woman on her beauty and, in that order of ideas, on her chances of finding a partner.

Feminist studies point out how the "should be" of women resides in large part in getting a husband and having children, all this to take care of both. If this is not achieved, what is expected of her is not met and she is a bad woman . Despite the fact that this thinking will change drastically in recent years, in the culture of celebrities and in the desire to find a partner for those who are women, we find traces of internalized machismo.

That is why the media refers to celebrities over 50 and singles as coveted and free men. But older, single celebrities are often seen as sad and incomplete because they haven't found love.

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